The Smith Family in Rossville, Illinois
What is known about the Smith Line.
Our Thomas Smith, was born in North
Weston Oxfordshire, England in 1820. He immigrated to this country, with his parents
and siblings, landing in New York.

Thomas Smith, above, lived in New York in the
Elmira area. This is where he met and married Martha
Sadler, daughter of John Sadler, Sr. and Elizabeth Davenport.
They were married in January of 1844 in the Elmira Chancery, in New York.
Thomas was 24 years old and Martha was 17.
autobiography on Charles
Smith, son of the above
Thomas, from the County History of Vermillion County, IL indicates that he was born in Illinois in 1864, and the family is listed in the 1860
Vermillion County, IL Census showing Thomas, age 39, Martha, age 35 (both
born in England), and Mary, age 4 and born in Illinois, and there is
a W. H. H. Smith also in their household, born in Ohio, 19 yrs old.
So the family migrated to Illinois from New York sometime between
1848-50 as near as I can estimate.
The Smith's and Mann's were first in Herkimer
County, New York (left. This is very close to where my Thomas lived, in Chemung County, New York before he moved to IL in 1848-50.
Thomas Smith |
Martha Sadler |
Thomas Smith and Martha Sadler had eleven children, and sadly, five died before reaching adulthood.
They had the following children:
i. |
Martha Carter,
adopted daughter, dtr of Diana, Thomas' sister. "Mattie marries
George Ellsworth Maury, they have Florence Maury who marries Harold
Mann. Martha and George are buried in the Rossville Cemetery.
George Ellsworth Maury
1861-1940 |
Maury |
Martha Carter Maury
1967-1912 |
ii. |
Louisa Smith - Born 1 Nov
1844, NY. Louisa died on 30 April 1857, she was 12
years, 5 months, 29 days |
iii. |
Smith - Born on 9 Jan
1847, NY. Emma died when she was 5 years, 2 months, 16 days
on 25 Mar 1852. |
iv. |
Smith - Born on 1 Dec
1849 John died when he was 1 year, 7 months, 16 days on 16 Jul
1851 |
v. |
Smith - Born on 16
Apr 1852, probably in IL. Joseph died when he was 1 year, 10 months, 16
days on 16 May 1854 |
vi. |
Mary Ann
Smith - Born on
10 Oct 1855 in Illinois. Mary Ann died in 1903, she was 47. Mary
Ann married John HOLLENBACH. Born in 1856. John died in 1925,
he was 69. Mary Ann, unfortunately, committed suicide by hanging
herself. She was going through the 'change' it was said.
She and her husband and his second wife are buried in the Rossville
Cemetery. |
vii. |
George Sadler
Smith -
Born on 12 Apr 1858, according to the 1860 Vermillion County, IL
Census. George Sadler died in 1918, he was 59. On
21 Feb 1889 when George Sadler was 30, he married Minnie SMITH,
in Vermillion County, Illinois. Minnie was a daughter of John
R. Smith and Rebecca Stewart and upon investigation, John R. Smith
is not related to our Smith's.
On the roll of Vermilion county's honored dead
appears the name of George,
a life-long resident of this part of the state, where his sterling
traits of character gained him the favorable regard of all who knew
He was born in 1856, in Vermilion county, and while
spending his youthful days under the parental roof pursued his
education in the country schools, which he attended through the winter
months, while in the summer seasons he aided in the work of the home
farm. His entire life was devoted to general agricultural pursuits.
While in school he gave his vacation periods to the work of the fields
and after completing his school days in Rossville he spent his entire
time in promoting the development of the old home place. Following his
marriage he farmed his father's land and as the result of his careful
cultivation of the soil he annually gathered good harvests. He
practiced the rotation of crops and by the judicious use of
fertilizers kept the soil in good condition. At all times he marched
in the front ranks of the progressive agriculturists of the community
and his labors therefore, brought him substantial returns.
In February, 1889,
Smith was united in
marriage to Miss
Minnie Smith,
a daughter of Josephine R. (Stewart) Smith.
Her father was a native of this county and a representative of a very
prominent family. He followed farming through the period of his early
manhood and afterward turned his attention to merchandising, in which
field of business he continued up to the time of his retirement, which
occurred about five years ago. Unto Mr.
and Mrs. George S. Smith were born two
children: Eugene C.,
who is now a student in the Culver Military Academy on Lake
Maxinkuckee, Indiana; and Josephine,
who died when three years of age.
The family have taken a prominent part in church
affairs and are interested in the moral development of the community.
Smith belonged to the
Masonic fraternity and was in hearty sympathy with the principles of
the craft, which are based on mutual helpfulness and brotherly
kindness. His political support was given to the republican party, and
he served on the town board as an alderman, in which connection he
exercised his official prerogatives in support of various measures for
the general good. When called to his final rest December 24, 1904, he
left a record that is well worthy of emulation.
(Source: Vol. II History of
Vermilion Co., Ill. - Pub. 1911 - Page 207) |
viii. |

Clara Bell Smith - Born on
24 Mar 1861 in IL? Clara Bell died on 20 Sep 1918, she was 57.
On 14 Nov 1889 when Clara Bell was 28, she married Frank L. STEWERT,
son of James STEWERT & Rebecca SMITH, in Rossville,
Illinois. Born in 1857 in Ohio. Frank L. died on 2 Jan 1914, he was
FRANK L. STEWART, who is engaged in
dealing in ice in Rossville and also has farming interests in
Vermilion County, was born in Logan, Ohio, January 31, 1857, and is
a son of James McLoughlin and Rebecca L. (Smith) Stewart. The
mother, who was born in 1819, died on the 16th of June, 1857, while
the father was born April 5, 1824, in Logan County, Ohio, and died
in 1907.
The founder of the Stewart family in
this country came from Ireland and was one of the early colonists of
the new world. Unto James M. and Rebecca L. Stewart there were born
six children: Willis; Mary, deceased; Charles; twins who died in
infancy; and Frank L., who is the youngest child of that marriage.
After losing his first wife the father married Miss Nancy Hannah, of
Knoxville, Tennessee, and their children were: Edna; Lucy, deceased;
Jesse; and Dessie.
Being only a few months old at the time of his mother's death, Frank
L. Stewart was taken by his aunt and uncle, Miss Martha Jane and G.
W. Smith, who have always stood to him in the relation of parents.
Leaving Ohio, they removed to Tolono, Illinois, when the subject of
this review was about two years of age and there established their
home, living in that locality until 1883, When they came to
Vermilion County, settling in Grant township. G. W. Smith then
secured land in that locality and has continued to make his home
there, being closely, actively and honorably identified with
agricultural pursuits. Frank L. Stewart acquired his education in
the schools of Tolono while spending his youthful days in the home
of his aunt and uncle. He was trained to the work of the farm which
claimed his attention for six years after his school days were over.
At the end of that time he removed to Rossville, taking up his abode
in this town on the 1st of August, 1889. Thinking to find commercial
pursuits more congenial and profitable than the work of the fields,
he turned his attention to general merchandising and was associated
in that business with a partner for about three years. He afterward
resumed farming and also engaged in the ice business, in which he
actively continues. He has secured many patrons in that locality,
making the business a profitable one, his trade constantly
increasing in volume and importance as the years have gone by. He
also has farming interests, being engaged in the cultivation of six
hundred and forty acres of land situated in Grant Township.
On the 14th of November, 1889, Mr. Stewart was united in marriage to
Miss Bell C. Smith and they have three children: Martha, who is a
graduate of Lake Forest Academy at Lake Forrest, Illinois ; Horace,
who is still in school; and Grace, who is a pupil in the high school
of Rossville.
The family attends the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr.
Stewart and his wife are active and earnest members. He was chairman
of the board of trustees, also of the building committee of the
church, has served on the building committee of the Masonic lodge
and on the building committee of the new high school. He was a
member of the school board for nine years, and is deeply interested
in all that pertains to the intellectual and moral progress of the
community. He is also prominent in Masonry, in which he has taken
the degrees of the lodge and chapter. He belongs to the Tribe of Ben
Hur and has filled all of the offices in the local lodge of Knights
of Pythias, which he has likewise represented in the state
For the past twelve years he has Been its minister of
finance, and at all times he is loyal to the teachings and to the
purposes of these orders. His life has been one of continuous
activity in which has come due recognition of labor. Progress and
patriotism might well be termed the keynote of his character for
these qualities have been potent forces in his life throughout the
period of his manhood and have gained him a place with the leading
and representative citizens of his adopted county.
(Submitted by Mary Paulius from History of Vermilion County,
Illinois - Vol. II by Lottie Jones, pgs. 238 & 239) |
ix. |
Smith (1864-1918)
our line; Charles and his sister "Belle" ~ above, died on the same
day. Autobiography of Charles
Smith, son of the immigrant Thomas Smith, as appeared in the
Vermillion County History, published in ________.
"A professor of renown, who has devoted his life largely to a study
of the economic conditions and natural resources of the country, has
made the statement that there is no better investment in all America
than Illinois farm land. Moreover it is a well known fact that
agriculture is the basis of all success in other lines, and the man,
therefore, whose capabilities qualify him for successful farming is
particularly fortunate. A prominent representative of the
agricultural classes in Eastern Illinois is Charles Smith, who is
the owner of ten hundred and eighty acres upon the south side of the
Attica road about three miles from Rossville in Vermillion county.
His entire life has been spent in this locality, his birth occurring
upon the old homestead farm March 13, 1864. He is a son of Thomas
Smith, one of the early settlers of the county. His youthful days
were spent in the usual manner of farm lads. The work of the fields
engaged his attention from the time of early sprint planting until
crops were gathered in the autumn. The instruction of the public
school developed his mental powers, and thus school and home
training qualified him for life's practical and responsible duties.
Wisely choosing as a life work the occupation to which he had been
reared, he has become one of the extensive land owners of the
county, making further investment from time to time as his financial
resources have increased, until now ten hundred and eighty acres
annually yield to him a good revenue.
His home farm upon which he
resides comprises two hundred and seventy acres adjoining the
corporation limits of Rossville, and is a valuable and well informed
tract equipped with all of the conveniences and accessories of a
model farm. He owns other land in Grant township and all is in good
condition, the work of improvement and development keeping his
fields continuously under a high state of cultivation. He likewise
owns land in Kansas. The farm upon which he resides is known as the
old Henderson place. In addition to its cultivation he raises some
stock and also buys and ships stock. His sound judgment in this, as
in other branches of his business is bringing to him well merited
On the 13th of October, 1887, Mr. Smith was united in marriage to
Miss Susan Pendergrast, a daughter of Patrick and Laura (Albert)
Pendergrast. Their children are nine in number, namely: Thomas, who
married Ethel Case; (and married second to Lottie Josephine Houser,
and had my father, (author's note) Fern, a graduate of the common
schools; Edwin, who has also completed his course in the public
schools; Austin, Minnie, Leo, Donovan and George, all attending
school; and Ray, deceased.
Mr. Smith and his family attend the Methodist Episcopal church. He
is widely known in the county where his entire life has been spent,
and that his record has ever been a creditable one is indicated by
the fact that those who have known him from his boyhood to the
present time are numbered among his staunchest friends. He early
came to a realization of the fact that "There is no excellence
without labor," and that "There is no royal road to wealth." There
which he set himself by reason of his unfaltering application and
determined purpose. The rewards of labor are sue and thus in due
course of time he gained a place among the more prosperous farmers
of the county." |
x. |
Clarissa Smith - Born in
Dec 1865. Clarissa died on 4 Jun 1866. She was one year old.
Buried in Rossville, IL. |
xi. |
Minnie Smith - Born on 25
Feb 1870. Minnie died on 2 Jul 1870 when she was 5
months, 20 days. Must be buried in Rossville Cemetery. |
Our poor Martha and Thomas;
they had
six of their eleven children die young; they had children die in 1851, 1852,
1854, 1857, 1866 and 1870.
Second Generation

Charles SMITH. Born on 13 Mar 1864 in New
York. Charles died in Illinois on 20 Sep 1918, he was 54. On 13 Oct
1887 when Charles was 23, he married Susan PENDERGRAST, daughter of
Patrick PENDERGRAST & Laura Virginia ALBERT, in Rossville, Illinois.
Born on 1 Dec 1865. Susan died in Illinois on 27 Aug 1936, she was 70.
See the
Pendergrast line. I have not researched the Albert line yet.
A clipping from the local paper at the time of
Charles' wedding, read as follows:
"Married - At residence of the bride's parents
in this city Thursday at 11 a.m., Charles Smith and Miss Susie Pendergrast,
Rev. Beadles officiating. Only a few relatives witnessed the ceremony.
The happy couple left on the 12:20 train for three weeks' tour through
Kentucky and the south. On returning they will make this their future
home. Charley has captured a prize and yet we can hardly realize that
"our Sue" is gone. The Press extends congratulations and best wishes
for a happy and prosperous future."
See a
history of the
Henderson-Smith-Collings' Home where they raised their family in Rossville, IL.
Thomas Smith and
Susan Pendergrast
had the following children:
i. |

Thomas Patrick
Smith (1888-1961) - my paternal grandfather.
Left is a photo of
him when he was a child, on the right. |
ii. |

Fern Laura Smith - Born in
1890. Fern Laura died in 1969, she was 79. Fern Laura married A. Hjalmar REHN. Born in 1886. A. Hjalmar died in 1959, he was 73.
Fern and her husband are buried in Joliet, IL somewhere. |
iii. |
Edwin ("Eddie")
Smith -
Born in 1892. Edwin ("Eddie") died in 1983, he was 91. Edwin
("Eddie") married Leota PETERS. Born in 1892. Leota died in 1973, she
was 81. Edwin lived with Aunt Helen the last ten years of his
life. |
iv. |

Leo Charles
Smith - Born in 1892. Leo Charles died in 1973, he
was 81. Leo Charles married Ethel LEVERENZ,
daughter of William T. LEVERENZ & Emma STREBING. Born in
1901. Ethel died in 1966, she was 65. They had Sandra Sue and
Shirley Ann Smith. |
v. |
Ray Smith - Born in 1894;
died as an infant. |
vi. |

Austin Smith - Born on 16
Jun 1895 in Rossville, IL. Austin died in Rossville, IL in 1969, he
was 73. |
vii. |
Minnie Virginia
Smith - Born on 8 Sep 1897. Minnie Virginia died in Urbana, IL on 10 Feb 1965,
she was 67. She was cremated. Minnie Virginia married Byron
THOMAS. Byron died in 1952. |
viii. |

Donovan Smith (1902-1980), Donovan is the father of Alice and
Susie. |
ix. |
George Sadler
Smith (1904-1986)
George Sadler died in 1986, he
was 82. George Sadler married Florence Barrett.
Born in 1913. She is currently living in Florida.
Edward Barrett Smith
Suzanne Smith
Sally Smith
Third Generation
 Thomas Patrick SMITH. Born on 30 Jul 1888 in Ross
Township. Thomas Patrick died in Illinois on 22 May 1961, he was 72.
On 25 Feb 1930 when Thomas Patrick was 41, married Lottie Josephine
HOUSER, daughter of Daniel HOUSER & Henrietta SWAGGERT, in
Joliet, IL. She was born on 26 Jan 1892 in Watseka, Illinois. Lottie Josephine died in
Rossville, Illinois on 5 May 1960, she was 68.
is a letter written by Thomas Smith to my parents, Wendall H. Smith and
Barbara Ratcliff, Wendall being Thomas' son. This letter was written
in Feb, and he died in May.
Thomas Patrick Smith and
Lottie Josephine Houser had one child:

Wendall Houser
(1932-1999) ~ my father
Thomas Patrick Smith was first
married Ethel M. CASE
and had three children:
i. |
 Helen Louise
Smith -
Born in Sep 1914, died Aug. 20, 2009 @ 94, almost 95, yrs old. Helen married Glenn (Jack) BOWLES
who was born in
1909. Glenn (Jack) died in 1973, he was 64. I knew and loved
'Aunt Helen' very much, and I didn't know how much until she was
gone. A wonderful, wonderful women who will be missed by many. |
ii. |

Charles Smith - Born on 5 Dec 1911. Charles died on 14 Oct
1981, he was 69. Charles never had any children and spent most
of his adult life in California. |
iii. |

Smith - Born in May
1917 in Rossville, IL. Jack died in May 1917 in Rossville, IL. Buried
in Rossville, IL. |